Alcohol and Impotence

What Makes Alcohol and Impotence Corollary to Each Other?

Like chain smokers, consistent alcohol consumers may often encounter erectile dysfunction. Such relationships of alcohol and impotence have given rise to the term alcoholic impotence in the medical circles.
An Unfortunate Trend

Despite the fact that use of excessive alcohol could lead to ultimate impotence, both alcohol users and even the physicians often fail to establish the links between the two. One of the main reasons for such situation is that many men suffering from impotence do not disclose their level and quantum of alcohol consumption in the open or to the doctor.
A Psychological Concept

Basically alcohol and male impotence are psychologically connected. That explains how alcohol and impotence are connected to each other.

People indulging in heavy consumption of alcohol will find them affected by temporary alcohol impotence;
Inability to perform sexually is one of the features of heavily drunken persons; and
Alcoholic impotence could be transitory or permanent in nature.

Temporary and Prolonged Impotence

Relationship of alcohol and impotence is such that the alcohol consumer may suffer from either temporary or prolonged and even permanent impotence due to heavy drinking. But it goes without saying that regular heavy drinkers are likely to face a far more complex situation where they could be permanently sexually incapacitated and may never be able to resolve the problem.
Affects of Heavy Alcohol

It is necessary understanding the affects of heavy alcohol use first.

Over a longer period the consumption of heavy alcohol could cause major damages to the anatomy of a man and various organs in it;
For instance; alcohol can damage the kidneys, liver, nerves, prostate, and above all; the brains;
High doses of alcohol can wreck the total urological system in the man and his sexual reproduction powers; and
For consistently heavy drinker the alcohol impotence will become a permanent feature and not a matter of a couple of nights only.

Results of Studies

Prolonged research, experiments and studies have been carried out to find out the ultimate effects of alcohol use on the sexual performance of a man. Some of the findings are:

- Certain types of alcohol in moderate doses are good for health and especially the heart;
- All studies have concluded that heavy drinking is injurious to health; and
- Unless one controls the drinking habit, it could lead to permanent impotence and that is how alcohol and impotence are interlinked.

Provokes But Disables

To quote William Shakespeare: alcohol “provokes the desire but takes away the performance”. It essentially means that regular heavy drinking of alcohol will generate sexual desires but will take away the ability to perform sexually from such men.

To conclude one can say that while some wine like the red wine consumed mostly by French people in moderate doses can help health causes in man and release sexual inhibitions; huge consumption will lead to depression and sexual incapacitation leading to ultimate alcoholic impotence.
1 in 10 men  worldwide suffer some degree of ED, but it doesn't have to be like that. Treatments are now able to help reverse erectile dysfunction. provides information, research, products, and treatment information for men with erectile dysfunction. This content is compiled by non-medical professionals, is not medical advice, and is intended for educational purposes. The information provided is meant to complement and not replace any information from your doctor. There are affiliate links where can receive commission if you purchase something through those links.
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